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jas-mwahs jas-mwahs.blogspot
Friday, July 17, 2009

sigh...been seriously emo lately. or lots of reasons actually..baby's back in Melbourne ): then there's..MY REPORT CARD X_X. Although I din't think it wasall that bad..my dad was okay with it but my mom! that woman is so macam macam man. if it's not in the top 10, it's like the world is gonna end.haiya. don wan talk bout it lah.other reasons are blahs x]


ANYHOO!,I have LEO meeting later..can't wait for Sunday!LEO installation thing..I HAVE GOT TO get out of the house. It's getting so damn boring..I never thought you could actually DIE of boredom.But now i see that you can -.- BLAH, this H1N1 thing is getting out of hand but im not really scared..there'sso many suspects in our school but no one confirmed yet. I THINK. butwe're all gonna die in the end anyways so whats the big deal? death is so easy,life is so hard.My dad doesnt even want me to go out SHOPPING!!! coz all the shitty H1N1 viruses flying round..damnit anyway..blog later gotta go now bye!

i was contemplating whether or not to put this picture up...but what the hell. LAUGH IT UP. those are my grandma's spects actually...and i got bored at her house kay? so SHUT UP.Here's a decent picture to prevent the one before from haunting the rest of your lives.:3

I wanna dedicate this post to my best friend Va too..to day is a seriously SPECIAL DAY for her. you know what you did *cues in hallelujah music and moves eybrows up and down*



CurrentMusic:Mariah Carey-Obsessed

Hey people's! well I don't have to intro cos I had a blog once but i quit blogging cos there was this fricking problem with my blogger so im back! x] If you hate me,don't bother staying.I'll update later! my mother, macam macam wants me go bath. You know you love me :p DONT deny it. mmkay bai!

CurrentMusic:Rob Thomas-her diamonds